We are pleased to announce the names of the winners of the Fundación Cepsa Social Value Awards. With our support, organizations develop community projects to help all kinds of vulnerable groups in society - with a particular focus on the unemployed, drug users, the sick, ethnic minorities, immigrants, children, young people and adolescents, elderly people, victims of gender-based violence, and those with physical or mental disabilities.
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Employees’ Special Award
Cepsa professionals act as charity sponsors in ratifying the projects. They are also involved in the selection of the winners of the Employees’ Special Award. Each area involved in the prizes has two finalists. From among the 14 finalists, we hold a ballot to choose the three winning projects.
In 2023, the awardees were Acción y Cura para Tay – Sachs (ACTAYS) and ANAR Foundation, both from Madrid; Campo de Gibraltar Food Bank Association and Açoes para Um Mundo Unido (AMU) from Portugal.
In 2022, the awardees were the Carmen Pardo - Valcarce Foundation (A La Par Foundation) from Madrid, the Federation of Associations of Relatives of Alzheimer's and Other Dementias Patients from the Province of Huelva, the Pichón Trail Project (PTP) Social Association from the Canary Islands, Ajuda de Mãe - Associaçao de Solidariedade Social from Portugal, and the Sanar Niños con Cáncer – Seccional Pereira Foundation from Colombia.
In 2021, the winners were the Spanish Association Against Cancer of the Provincial Board of Huelva, the Adult Life Association of People with Intellectual Disabilities (AVADI), from Huelva, the Association of Caregivers, Relatives and Friends of People with Dependency, Alzheimer's and other Dementias (ACUFADE), from the Canary Islands and the Karibu Association, Friends of the African People, from Madrid.
In 2020 the winners were the entity Afán de Lucha por los Enfermos de Alzheimer Caminar (AFA CAMINAR) of Huelva, Fundación Niños de los Andes and Fundación Nacional Batuta of Colombia and the entities Aldeias Infantis SOS and Junior Achievement Bahia of Brazil.
In 2019 the awards were the Asociación de Jóvenes Especiales de Moguer ‘Abriendo Puertas’ of Huelva, Fundación del Quemado of Colombia and Asociación Vivo Feliz of Brazil.
In 2018 the awards went to the Asociación ALDIS para Prevenir y Sanar Enfermedades Infantiles de Canarias, la Asociación Onubense de Asperger and Trastornos del Espectro Autista de Huelva, y la Asociación Apae Salvador de Brasil.