Asociación 'Trasdocar y Corazón' de Enfermos de Corazón, Discapacitados y Trasplantados (TRASDOCAR)

Care, Education, and Information for Heart Patients, Transplant Recipients, and their Families

The main objective is to attend to the needs of and support people with cardiac issues, disabilities, anticoagulation, diabetes, prosthetic valves, pacemakers, and transplants, in light of their disease, to promote a heart-healthy life, prevent CVD, and encourage organs, tissues, and blood to be donated. It also aims to encourage organs, tissues, and blood to be donated to support transplants and patient care. 

In short, the aim is to teach patients and their families to prevent CVDs and for those have already acquired heart disease to live fully with it, learn to reduce the impact of risk factors and encourage organ, tissue, and blood donation.




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