Fundación Hijos de la Sierra Flor (FHSF)

Active, empowered, cohesive citizens, managing resources to build regional peace and resolve the basic needs in groups of indigenous, African, rural, and victimized women of Sincelejo, Ovejas, San Onofre, Palmito and Sampues in Sucre and San Andrés de Sotavento in Córdoba

The project’s objective is to contribute to a model of community, solidarity, and sustainable production and commercialization with higher incomes, empowerment, and quality of life for groups of women and their families in the rural sector of the municipalities of Sampues, San Onofre, Ovejas, Palmito and Sincelejo in the department of Sucre and San Andrés de Sotavento in Córdoba.  

The project encourages active citizenship that recognizes and empowers the abilities of Zenú, African, victimized, and rural women. It is healing and reaffirms their ancestral, cultural, and folkloric system of production and has an impact on management of public policy that empowers them as legal entities to build regional peace.




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