Frequently asked questions



How to apply

The application can only be submitted online through the form on the form Fundación Cepsa website.

Once you begin, the form must be completed in its entirety, as the data entered is not saved, so we recommend you have all your documentation ready before submitting your application in the online form.

You need to check the boxes "I accept the Privacy Policy" and "I am not a robot” to complete the online process. If these boxes are not checked, the scholarship application will not be submitted.

Application submission dates

Applications can be submitted between June 12, 2023 and July 21, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. (Spanish peninsular time).

Requirements for applicants

The requirements to apply for these scholarships are as follows:

  • The applicant must be enrolled or pre-enrolled to study Basic, Intermediate, or Higher Vocational Training in the provinces of Cadiz, Huelva, the Canary Islands, or Madrid in the 2023/2024 academic year.
  • Enrollment must be in one of the following Vocational Training areas:
    • Administration and Management
    • Sales and Marketing
    • Electricity and Electronics
    • Energy and Water
    • Mechanical Manufacturing
    • Information Technology and Communications
    • Installation and maintenance
    • Chemicals
    • Safety and the Environment
  • The applicant must have been born between 1993 and 2008, both inclusive.

If the applicant does not meet these requirements, we do not recommend he/she submit an application because it will be rejected.

Participation of Cepsa professionals and their families

Cepsa professionals and their family members can participate in this scholarship program under the same conditions as other applicants.

Confirmation that your application has been submitted correctly

If the application has been submitted correctly, the following message will appear on the application website:


The applicant will also receive an email confirming that his/her completed application has been received by Fundación Cepsa. If the applicant does not receive this e-mail, we recommend he/she check his/her spam or junk e-mail folder.

Purpose of the scholarship contribution

The purpose of these scholarships is to facilitate access to vocational training. The contribution of 2,500 euros must be used for expenses associated with vocational training studies in the 2023/2024 academic year, such as tuition, school supplies, clothing or work uniforms, books, transportation, and cafeteria service.

The scholarship contribution may be used solely and exclusively for the expenses associated with vocational training studies. Using it for other purposes is a breach of the ProFormación Program's terms and conditions.

Required documents for applications

All applicants must include the following documents in their online application:

1. A cover letter, using this model, with all fields completed and signed by the applicant and, if the applicant is a minor or still dependent, it must also be signed by his/her parents or guardians.
2. A copy of both sides of the DNI or NIE of the person enrolled and, if a minor or still dependent, a copy of the DNI or NIE of his/her parents or guardians.

3. Certificate or document accrediting enrollment in the Vocational Training course indicated on the form for the 2023/24 fiscal year issued by the corresponding educational center. This document is the document that confirms enrollment and, if it is not available due to the enrollment deadlines, the applicant can submit a document that states that he/she has reserved a spot in the cycle and center indicated. In the event that the initial application registration fee is not paid and the applicant receives one of the scholarships, he/she will need to present the corresponding registration fee in September.

4. Last income tax return of the applicant or, failing that, of the family unit of which he/she is a member. This personal income tax return must be for the 2022 tax year and, if the applicant or his/her family unit does not file a personal income tax return in 2022, it will be necessary to provide the draft tax return provided by the Tax Agency with tax data for 2022.

In addition to the above documents, if the person enrolled is a minor, the following documents must be provided:

5. A photocopy of the family book or documentation of guardianship of the minor.

6. A copy of the DNI or NIE of the minor that is applying for the aid, which must be included in a single document, together with the DNI or NIE of his/her parents or legal guardians.

In the event that the applicant meets any of the following circumstances, he/she must submit the corresponding additional documentation:

7. In the case of large or single-parent families, proof of being a large or single-parent family.

8. In the event that the applicant or his/her parents or guardians are unemployed, a certificate certifying their unemployment situation, either the DARDE (Job Seeker Registration or Renewal Document) or the certificate of the SEPE Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (State Public Employment Service).

9. If the applicant has a recognized degree of disability or dependency, he/she must indicate it in the online application form, and if he/she is finally selected, he/she must provide the certificate accrediting such disability or dependency at the time the scholarship is awarded.

10. If the applicant has special educational needs, this must be indicated in the online application form, and if the applicant is finally selected, he/she must provide the report accrediting this at the time the scholarship is awarded.

Uploading documents to the online form

For each of the documents detailed in the previous section, only one file can be uploaded to the online form. If there are several files for the same document, they must be grouped into a single file. There are several free sites on the Internet that allow you to group PDF files.

The files that are uploaded to the online form must meet the following characteristics:

  • The file must be in PDF format.
  • Less than 5 MB per file, i.e., less than 5,000 kilobytes.
  • The file name must not contain accents or special characters (&, ñ, %, -, >, >, >, ', ").
  • It is important that the file does not contain a dot before the .pdf extension.
  • The documents marked with an asterisk are mandatory.
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  2. Areas of activity
  3. Social Innovation
  4. Scholarship program
  5. Application
  6. Frequently asked questions