Sergi Alegre

Sergi Alegre is the CEO of the Airport Regions Council, the European organization of cities and regions with an airport in their territory.

Member of the Advisory Board of Aéroports de Paris (ADP) and of the European projects ALIGHT, INDIGO and NEEDED.

Member of the Advisory Board of the Spanish Aviation Sustainability Center of Excellence, of the Alliance for Zero Emission Aviation, of the Renewable and Low-Carbon Fuels Value Chain Industrial Alliance, of Eurocontrol’s FlyingGreen stakeholder engagement and consultation group and a permanent observer of the European Civil Aviation Conference's (ECAC) environmental group.

Previously: Deputy mayor of urbanism, territorial planning, environment and mobility of the city of Prat from 1991 to 2017.

Objectives: to increase understanding to achieve zero impact aviation from an environmental point of view with a holistic vision, to share experiences of the same.

Specialties: Territorial and urban planning, development of environmental programs related to airport and aeronautical activities.

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  2. The Foundation
  3. Governance of the Foundation
  4. Advisory Board