Maria Fernández

María Fernández Pérez is a Senior Consultant at Etali'a, Consultoría Estratégica y Regulatoria and, until 2020, was Vice President of the Spanish National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC).

She holds a degree in economics and business administration, specializing in economic analysis and quantitative economics, from the Complutense University of Madrid and is a member of the State Civil Administration and State Commercial Diplomate Corps.

She has been head of service in the Subdirectorate General of Studies of the Court for the Defense of Competition and member advisor of the Technical Cabinet of the General Secretary of Economic Policy and International Economy of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. From 2010 to 2012, she was Deputy Director General of Competition and Economic Regulation at the Directorate General of Economic Policy of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

In January 2012, she was appointed Technical Secretary of the Delegate Commission for Economic Affairs of the Economic Office of the President of the Government, with the rank of Chief Executive Officer, a position she held until 2013, when she became Vice President of the CNMC.

From 2013 to 2020, she was Vice President of the agency and President of the Regulatory Supervision Chamber, which supervises and monitors the correct operation of the following markets:

  • Telecommunications
  • Electricity sector
  • Natural gas sector
  • Postal
  • Audiovisual communication
  • Airport
  • Railroad

She has been a member of the Board of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), President of the European Mediterranean Regulators Group (EMERG), member of the European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA) and member of the Latin American Forum of Telecommunications Regulators (REGULATEL).

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