Cristina Monge

Cristina Monge is a political scientist who holds a PhD from the University of Zaragoza, where she teaches sociology. Her areas of interest are sustainability and democratic quality, and especially governance for ecological transition, a subject she works on in research centers such as Globernance, BC3 and itdUPM, and on the board of Ecodes.

Political analyst for El País, Cadena SER, RTVE, Infolibre and the Green European Journal, she is a member of the advisory board at Llorente y Cuenca and at Ethic magazine. She has participated since 2018 in the Open Government Forum, since 2019 in the Advisory Council for Development Cooperation, and since its creation in the Methodological Advisory Group for "Cumpliendo,” the accountability project of the Presidency of the Government of Spain.

She is the author of 15M: Un movimiento político para democratizar la sociedad (15M: A Political Movement to Democratize Society) (2017) and has coordinated the collective work Tras la indignación. 15M: Miradas desde el presente (After Indignation. 15M: Views from the Present) (2021). She is also co-author, with Raúl Oliván, of Hackear la Política (Hacking Politics) (2018), and with JJ Verón of La Iniciativa Social de Mediación de los conflictos del agua en Aragón (The Social Initiative in the Mediation of Water Conflicts in Aragon) (2019). She is also co-editor of the collection Más Cultura Política, Más Democracia (More Political Culture, More Democracy), in collaboration with Gedisa, and chairs the “Más Democracia” Association.

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