Fundação Salesianos IPSS (Salesianos de Évora)

Madres Brillantes (Shining Mothers) - Empowering Female Single Parents

The project’s objective is to support the mothers of single-parent families in situations of vulnerability to respond to and provide support in the various challenges that these mothers and their families face. In this regard, the program is based on actions with responses focused on developing and promoting skills on three levels: parental, personal and social, and professional:

Parental: The daily demands imposed on these mothers who raise their children without the support of a father and, for the most part, without any support from their families. Added to this framework of great personal and social pressure are low academic grades (and therefore the inability to support their children in their studies) and low income (which fails to provide adequate housing, clothing, hygiene, food, and academic resources for them and their children).

Personal and Social - Developing personal and social skills aims to prioritize and emphasize the right to dignity as individuals and citizens. The vulnerability resulting from social-economic deprivation (aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic), together with these mothers’ physical and psychological exhaustion, leads to a profound lack of interest in themselves.

Professional - This area of action aims to respond to the need to develop and promote professional skills. The module offers training sessions to prepare a resume, search, analyze and respond to job offers, answer questions in an interview, and adopt rules of protocol and social ethics at work.




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