Associação Aprender em Parceria (A PAR)

Una casa, muchas familias (One house, many families)

  • The goal is to assist families in developing basic skills at the level of parent-child interactions, promoting access to child development and education.

  • The project has the following objectives:

  • - Contribute to the health, well-being, and development of families, promoting their education for overall development and educational improvement of children from birth;
    - Help families improve their relationship with their children, to understand their problems, so that they can successfully support them in carrying out developmental tasks appropriate to each stage of their development;
    - Support and assist families in situations of vulnerability and in a particuarly fragile stage of life;
    - Train educators and other agents to improve their performance in educational and social action with families.
    - Raise awareness on the importance of networking and building partnerships that can contribute to more positive development for children to promote development and reduce risk factors.




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