Associação Nacional de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento, Investigação e Comunidade (ANADIC)

Elder Brigade

According to the 2nd Social Diagnosis 2015-2016, the most representative problem in the parishes of Lisbon is active aging, followed by unemployment, mental health, and family support.

The project’s general objective is to contribute to a quality aging process.

Its specific objectives are to increase self-esteem, reduce social isolation, promote physical and social mobility, develop financial literacy, and support family and caregivers of the elderly.

The Brigada de la Tercera Edad (Senior Citizens Brigade) aims to be a mobilizing project in the sense that it focuses on the elderly population as an objective of action in two directions: 1) seniors who need to leave home, need support managing their budget, and organizing their home; 2) seniors who help and support others on their journey.

Thus, the project has a double response: on the one hand, responding to social exclusion, and on the other, promoting active and healthy aging. "




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