Social Value Awards 2022 PORTUGAL


We are pleased to announce the names of the winners of the Fundación Cepsa Social Value Awards. With our support, organizations develop community projects to help all kinds of vulnerable groups in society - with a particular focus on the unemployed, drug users, the sick, ethnic minorities, immigrants, children, young people and adolescents, elderly people, victims of gender-based violence, and those with physical or mental disabilities.


    • Associação de Desportos de Aventura, Juventude e Ambiente (AZIMUTE)
    • Associação Florestal de Portugal (FORESTIS)
    • Associação VilacomVida
    • Associação Neurodesenvolvimento e Inclusão Cadin
    • Acção e Integração para o Desenvolvimento Global (AIDGLOBAL)


    • Aldeias Infantis SOS Brasil
    • Grupo de Apoio à Criança com Câncer - Bahia (GACC-BA)
    • Junior Achievement Bahia
    • Visão Mundial



Cepsa's professionals act as solidarity sponsors, endorsing the projects. They also participate in the selection of the winners of the Special Employee Award. Among the 12 finalists, we select the winning projects by means of a vote.


In 2021, the winners were the Spanish Association Against Cancer of the Provincial Board of Huelva, the Adult Life Association of People with Intellectual Disabilities (AVADI), from Huelva, the Association of Caregivers, Relatives and Friends of People with Dependency, Alzheimer's and other Dementias (ACUFADE), from the Canary Islands and the Karibu Association, Friends of the African People, from Madrid.

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