We are pleased to announce the names of the winners of the Fundación Cepsa Social Value Awards. With our support, organizations develop community projects to help all kinds of vulnerable groups in society - with a particular focus on the unemployed, drug users, the sick, ethnic minorities, immigrants, children, young people and adolescents, elderly people, victims of gender-based violence, and those with physical or mental disabilities.
campo de gibraltar
CANARy islands
Cepsa's professionals act as solidarity sponsors, endorsing the projects. They also participate in the selection of the winners of the Special Employee Award. Among the 12 finalists, we select the winning projects by means of a vote.
The entities that have been selected to carry out their projects for the category of Special Employee Award are: Federación de Asociaciones de Familiares de Personas con Alzheimer y Otras Demencias de la provincia de Huelva, Asociación Social Pichón Trail Project from Canary Islands, Fundación A LA PAR (Fundación Carmen Pardo-Valcarce) from Madrid, Fundación Sanar Niños con Cáncer - Seccional Pereira de Colombia y Ajuda de Mãe - Associação de Solidariedade Social from Portugal.