We carry out projects with diverse collectives, bearing in mind the distinct characteristics of every community. Our aim is to contribute to improving the quality of life.


Activities in Muelle de las Carabelas de la Rábida

We carry out activities at the Carabelas dock at la Rábida in Huelva to promote the attractions of the dock to visitors.

Caracara Projects (Colombia)

We help families in need to return to agricultural activities in the Caracara region so they can increase their income and reduce their dependence on the oil industry. This project includes activities such as seminars and workshops on agriculture and entrepreneurship, and the development of a support plan for families.

Road and local infrastructure improvement in districts in Peru

We carry out projects to improve the road network and local infrastructure in the districts of Tournavista (Puerto Inca province) and Alexander Von Humboldt (Padre Abad Province). The area of social influence is in rural areas and areas populated by native communities or ancestral towns and villages.

Memory Workshops in Cádiz

We aim to stimulate all cognitive areas to keep our elders fit, active and agile for longer. These workshops are organized by the town of San Roque (Cádiz) and given by the Asansull Association.

Collaboration in Portugal

We work with the Food Bank providing fuel to the association and participate at the Civil Protection Fair, organizing educational workshops on environmental protection and health and safety at Cepsa’s installations.

Children and young dream weavers in Colombia

We focus on helping children and youth at risk of social exclusion in the municipality of Puerto Gaitán (Colombia) with problems such as alcoholism, domestic abuse, and school absenteeism. The project consists of several phases with educational, cultural and recreational activities in collaboration with local authorities.

Social investment program in Maní (Colombia)

In this program we aim to develop projects to improve farmlands, livestock and basic sanitation. These social initiatives are carried out where our Jaguar oil pipeline is located and at the station in the Colombian town of Maní.

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