Ms. Mª Teresa Mañueco

Ms. Mª Teresa Mañueco

Director of Fundación Cepsa

Teresa Mañueco has a degree in Economics and Business Administration and joined Cepsa in 1991. She previously worked in market research and marketing for the energy company Ertoil. 

At Cepsa, she has held different responsibilities in the areas of corporate and financial communications and human resources.

In 2011, she was appointed Director of Communications at Cepsa and in 2016 she added to her Management the functions of Corporate Responsibility and Institutional Relations, as well as General Manager of Fundación Cepsa.

In December 2020, she became Director of ESG Planning and Development of the Company.

In June 2023, she joined Fundación Cepsa to strengthen and redirect the entity's strategy towards ecological transition.

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