Mr. José Téllez

Mr. José Téllez

Vicesecretary Non-Patron

Mr. José Téllez is Non-Director Deputy Secretary of Cepsa’s Board of Directors and Audit, Compliance, Ethics & Risk Board Committee and within the Legal & Assurance area of the Cepsa Group, he is the Head of Corporate Legal Affairs and Corporate Governance. He also serves as Deputy Secretary of the Board of Trustees of “Fundación Cepsa”.

Mr. Téllez started his professional career at Ernst & Young Abogados (EY) in January 2000, specializing in Commercial Law and advising on M&A and corporate restructuring transactions, as well as corporate governance issues. In September 2014, he joined Cepsa, with responsibilities in these same areas.

He is a licensed lawyer, earning his Law degree from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and his Master of Laws (LLM) degree from the IE (Instituto de Empresa) Law School

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