More than 140 students from the School of Engineering of Algeciras completed their training with the Fundación Cepsa Chair

    • The Fundación Cepsa Chair at the University of Cádiz published its activity report for 2023
    • The second round of research grants to reward the initiatives of four scientific groups at the University has begun
The Fundación Cepsa Chair at the University of Cadiz (UCA) closed 2023 with the participation by more than 140 students, most of them studying at the Algeciras School of Engineering (ETSIA), from the Vice-Rectorate Campus Bahía de Algeciras in its various activities.

This year, the Fundación Cepsa Chair held the second round of scientific research grants, awarding four grants in this first call and thereby allocating 40,000 euros to promoting the lines of study related to energy transition and circular economy that are being undertaken at the University of Cadiz.

The winners of this second round were the following projects: Industrial maintenance with additive manufacturing, a sustainable paradigm that supports the circular economy and the energy transition, by the research team led by Juan María Terrones Saeta; Production of green hydrogen, biomethane, and biofertilizer from brewery industry waste in the framework of the new technology to produce hydrogen from industrial waste, by the team whose lead researcher is Leonor Sillero Moreno; Technical-economic feasibility study of a plant for hybrid production of thermal energy, electricity, and green hydrogen using solar energy (H2-PVT) by the research team led by Francisco Javier González Gallero; and Bio-hydrogen production in photofermentation and dark fermentation processes with Rhodobacter capsulatus and Escherichia coli, by the team led by the researcher Antonio Valle Gallardo.

One of the numerous initiatives driven by the Fundación Cepsa Chair is the PowerYou Xperience day, in collaboration with the Human Age Institute. Last year the event attracted 51 attendees, all final year students and graduates from UCA and from a variety of degree programs . They were able to take part in an event aimed at improving their employability and enhancing their talents.

In addition, the Fundación Cepsa Chair awards have been presented in three categories. In the Scientific-Technical Article category, Patricia Ruiz Villalobos was recognized for her scientific article. Optimal Battery Management Strategies for Plugin Electric Hybrid Buses on Routes Including Green Corridors. Pablo Sanchidrian Herrera was also awarded in the Final Degree Project category for his work Offshore Wind Farm Simulator. Lastly, Miguel Suffo Pino was awarded in the invention patents category for the Portable, modular, armored enclosure, construction procedures to build the enclosure and manufacture the armored panels used for its construction and uses.

Fundación Cepsa Academic Chairs in Andalusia

The relationship between Cepsa and the University is constant. The chairs at the universities of Huelva Malaga, and Cadiz, which are managed by the Fundación Cepsa, are growing thanks to the contributions and dedication of professionals from both organizations to improve training, innovation and research.

The Fundación Cepsa Chairs in Andalusia have helped thousands of students to gain first-hand experience in a real working environment and bring university professors closer to the reality of industry in Andalusia. Exchanges between technicians and professors have allowed them to improve professionally and apply their newly gained expertise in their daily work. For all these reasons, today Fundación Cepsa is a great ally of universities in Andalusia.
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