Fundación Moeve honors fifteen projects from Spain and Portugal for their contributions to social initiatives

The entity is presenting its Social Value Awards as a celebration of its 20th anniversary
    • Since its creation in 2005, the Foundation has allocated more than 5.25 million euros to 512 social organizations
    • The awarded projects in this edition have been recognized for their efforts in promoting the well-being of individuals facing social vulnerability
    • In order to support people affected by DANA, Fundación Moeve has made a donation of €700,000 to various entities, among other actions
Fundación Moeve held the award ceremony for the 20th edition of its Social Value Awards on Tuesday in Madrid, where it recognized the work of three social initiatives that join the award winners from the editions in Huelva, Campo de Gibraltar, the Canary Islands, and Portugal. The company has granted the winners up to 25,000 euros each, totaling 375,000 euros, to support the advancement of their work.

The awarded entities in Madrid have been: Fundación Entreculturas Fe y Alegría, for their 'Amoverse triple impact’ project, which fosters the participation and integration of vulnerable populations in the labor market, Asociación Espiral Loranca, for their 'Espiral Lavapiés’ project, which aims to boost the positive socio-educational development of at-risk minors, and Solidarios para el Desarrollo, for their 'No elderly person in loneliness’ project, which seeks to improve the quality of life of elderly people in situations of loneliness through intergenerational living, volunteering, and community participation.

During the awards ceremony for these prizes at the Torre Moeve in Madrid, the award winners and entities awarded in previous editions were given a voice. The event was attended by members of the jury and the Board of Trustees of Fundación Moeve, as well as Ana Dávila, Councilor for Family, Youth and Social Affairs of the Community of Madrid. She highlighted "the value of the award-winning initiatives, which represent comprehensive engagement in the well-being of people in a situation of vulnerability.” A purpose, has added, "which is shared by the Community of Madrid, which is committed to the people who need it most, by ensuring quality public services that meet their needs at all times.”

Meanwhile, Teresa Mañueco, general manager of Fundación Moeve, highlighted that: "Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Social Value Awards demonstrates the strong and ongoing commitment of Fundación Moeve and its Board of Trustees to awards that promote solidarity, inclusion, and equity values which also contribute to a just ecological transition. It is a source of pride, once again, to have the support of Moeve’s professionals, whose dedication as sponsors makes this initiative possible.

The Social Value Awards is one of the organization's most important initiatives, one that aims to promote projects and initiatives that improve the well-being of people and communities. Since the creation of the Social Value Awards in Huelva in 2005, 5,603 projects have been submitted, of which 512 have won and been granted over 5.25 million euros contributed by the foundation. 

Below are the initiatives awarded at the 20th edition of the Social Value Awards:

  • Amoverse triple impacto, Fundación Entreculturas Fe y Alegría.
  • Espiral Lavapiés, Asociación Espiral Loranca.
  • Ningún mayor en soledad, Solidarios para el Desarrollo.
Campo de Gibraltar
  • Campo de Gibraltar singular (Singular Campo de Gibraltar), Coordinadora Alternativas.
  • Soluciones energéticas para la vida senior (Energy solutions for senior life), Asansull.
  • Puntadas hacia el futuro (Stitches Toward the Future), Nuevo Hogar Betania.
  • SPA infantil para terapias de integración sensorial (Children's SPA for sensory integration therapies), Asociación La Canariega.
  • Conéctate con el autismo (Connect with autism), Asociación Autismo Huelva Ánsares.
  • Segunda oportunidad 3.0 (Second opportunity 3.0), Fundación Marcelino Champagnat.
  • Confía Maín (Trust Maín), Fundación Canaria Maín.
  • Proyecto Moneiba: mujeres con proyecto (Moneiba Project: women with a plan), Proyecto Hombre Fundación Cesica.
  • Atención terapéutica y sensibilización ecológica (Therapeutic care and ecological awareness), Asociación de Daño Cerebral Adquirido de Tenerife (Adacea Tenerife).
  • Centro de Acompañamiento Individual - CAI (Individual Support Center), Associação de Solidariedade Subud (As. De Solidadidad Subud).
  • “Punto Cruz” – Capacitar para Incluir (“Cross-Stitch - Train to include), Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa (Cruz Roja Portuguesa).
  • ConVIDA (WithLIFE), Assoc. Mais Proximidade Melhor Vida (Más Proximidad mejor Vida).

Support from Fundación Moeve for those affected by the DANA

In response to the hardships suffered by residents in areas of Spain impacted by DANA, Fundación Moeve has donated €700,000, distributed among the Red Cross, Cáritas, Food Bank, and Hunger Action, entirely dedicated to supporting the people who have been affected.  The company has provided its workers with ways to boost this aid with personal donations. To add to that, it has also launched a volunteer program among its employees.
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