Rosa Aguilar highlights the commitment of the Fundación Cepsa-ULL Chair to provide visibility to women who are changing the world

    • The rector of the University of La Laguna, participates in the series of seminars “Researchers for Ecological Transition and Innovation,” organized by this Chair
    • The electricity market and predictions for maintaining the balance between energy production and consumption are the focus of her presentation
The rector of the University of La Laguna and professor of Systems Engineering and Automation, Rosa María Aguilar Chinea, participated in the series of seminars “Researchers for Ecological Transition and Innovation,” organized by the Fundación Cepsa Chair of Ecological Transition and Innovation of the University of La Laguna. The paper she presented, “Machine learning in System Identification: a Case Study in the Prediction of Electricity Generation of a Wind Farm,” is part of her research area.

Aguilar was the first representative of the University of La Laguna to participate in these monthly meetings, which will also include other regional, national and international researchers. The speaker emphasized the importance of this series of seminars for both science and women in this field. "The truth is that women are not accessing the world of sciences," Aguilar said.

She added that the problems presented by society are solved in those contexts where both men and women are working on equal terms. And, in this line, she highlighted the work developed by the Fundación Cepsa Chair of the University of La Laguna through this series of seminars that, as she remarked, "serve to see examples of female role models who have dedicated themselves to helping change the world." She described this work as "fundamental" to give visibility to the role of women in scientific fields.

Electricity market forecasts

During her speech, the rector addressed the electricity market and stressed the predictions needed to maintain the right balance between energy production and consumption, since electricity cannot be stored, so it is important that it is neither lost nor a shortage situation is created.

She also emphasized that in today's globalized world, where data is widely available and its correct use is essential. Along these lines, she referred to the techniques available in this area, especially those applied to wind farm generation.

Finally, she clarified that these techniques for the correct use of data to obtain concrete, accurate and valuable results, are not only applicable to the fields of sciences and computer sciences, but also to other areas, such as arts, humanities, health sciences and social sciences. "Although this paper applies to a wind farm, these techniques are applicable to all areas of study," she concluded.
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