More than 500 people have already enjoyed the Palmetum and Fundación Cepsa’s inclusive tour program

    • The program has made it possible for 13 Third Sector organizations to offer this activity to their users

Santa Cruz de Tenerife City Council and Fundación Cepsa have promoted an inclusive and sensory tour program at the Palmetum of Santa Cruz this year, which made it possible for 545 people to access and enjoy the first cycle of these inclusive tours at the city's botanical garden, starting in April and continuing today. 

These tours, which are completely free of charge and led by an environmental guide, aim to expand the range of leisure activities that the city offers to people with functional diversity. They allow the garden to be discovered from a new perspective through touch, fragrances, and unique sensations, in an experience that also contributes to environmental sensitivity and awareness.

The tours, which take place on Saturdays, were conceived and designed especially for people with functional diversity, although it should be noted that they’re also open to the general public. In addition, individuals with hearing impairments have been able to be accompanied by a sign language interpreter upon request.

The non-profit associations that have brought their users on these inclusive tours so far are Ilunion, Dilo Integral, Red Cross, Comarcal Association for Social Integration, Apedeca, Hermanas Hospitalarias, Asociación Asinladi, Fundación Cruz Blanca, Montaña para All, Fibromialgia and Fatiga Crónica, Grupo Envera, Macaronesia Intercambio, and Demena Areca. To date, 52 tours have taken place, five of which have had sign language interpreters, in addition to an environmental guide.

Individuals, groups, or collectives with functional diversity who wish to sign up can do so by or by calling the telephone number 922 229 873.

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