Fundación Cepsa Chairs will promote university research lines focused on the energy transition

    • The Andalusian, Canary Islands and Madrid Fundación Cepsa Chairs meet virtually at the 5th Inter-Chair Meeting
The Fundación Cepsa Chairs of Andalusia (Universities of Huelva, Seville, Malaga and Cadiz), the Canary Islands (University of La Laguna), and Madrid (Polytechnic University) held a virtual follow-up meeting where the current research lines and projects were presented and the future of this collaboration with universities was discussed, establishing a clear line of work to promote research in fields such as energy transition, circular economy, green hydrogen, efficiency, and digitization.

The meeting was attended by the directors of the Fundación Cepsa Chairs at the University of Seville (US), Benito Navarrete; the University of Huelva (UHU), Juan Daniel Mozo; the University of La Laguna (ULL) in the Canary Islands, Elena Pastor; the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), Ramón Rodríguez; and the director of the Chair of the University of Cadiz (UCA), Francisco Trujillo. The heads of the Company's Research Center and Fundación Cepsa in Spain also took part.

During the working session, the possibility of having research groups from different universities join forces was put on the table, as well as supporting training initiatives for students related to Energy Transition and the future of energy.

The Fundación Cepsa Chairs

Fundación Cepsa Chairs at the Universities of Cadiz, Huelva, Seville, Malaga, and La Laguna and the Technical University of Madrid are continually strengthened thanks to the contributions and involvement of Cepsa's professionals and the academic institutions committed to improving research, training, knowledge flow, and innovation. Fundación Cepsa also has a Green Hydrogen Chair at the School of Engineering of the University of Comillas (Madrid).

Fundación Cepsa Chairs have allowed thousands of students to approach the world of work and bring university professors closer to the reality of the energy and chemical sectors. The exchange of knowledge and experience between Cepsa professionals, university teachers, and students has meant, for two decades, the professional enrichment of all of them. For all these reasons, today Cepsa is an outstanding partner of these universities.
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