Fundación Cepsa celebrates World Environment Day through direct action and environmental education

    • The foundation's activities include activities in natural areas, such as the Las Mesas Park in Santa Cruz de Tenerife
    • Cepsa professionals celebrate, thanks to the corporate volunteering program Voluntas, a day dedicated to biodiversity in Tenerife
The commemoration of World Environment Day, which is being observed this year under the slogan Only one Earth, as decided by the United Nations (UN), is being celebrated at Cepsa and its Fundación as one of the flagship initiatives in its comprehensive approach in the field of sustainability.

In order to highlight its commitment to the environment and environmental care, Fundación Cepsa stresses the importance of awareness, outreach, energy efficiency, water saving, and the effective reduction of the footprint where Cepsa operates, as well as respect for biodiversity in a sustainable coexistence of industry and the environment.

In the case of the Canary Islands, Fundación Cepsa is carrying out actions in natural spaces such as the Parque de Las Mesas, where, in collaboration with the Fundación Santa Cruz Sostenible, it is committed to rehabilitating and reforesting this periurban park, currently in a state of abandonment, after taking inventory of the natural and plant heritage, so the citizens can begin to use it again as a public space for leisure and free time.

Precisely in this space, the Foundation has held this weekend a day of environmental awareness and volunteering as part of its corporate volunteering program Voluntas, in which more than 30 people participated, including Cepsa professionals and family members. Guided by experts in Botany and Environmental Sciences from the University of La Laguna, they have made an environmental awareness route to learn about the biodiversity of this enclave. As part of the program, they sponsored a tree, which each one has taken home, signing a commitment to take care of it until it is replanted in the rainy season and participated in environmental games and workshops as a family.

Throughout the year, Fundación Cepsa also collaborates with Fundación Santa Cruz Sostenible in outreach and environmental awareness activities through the guided tours "Anaga on foot," aimed at highlighting the value of this Biosphere Reserve, making known its flora and fauna, as well as the customs and traditions of its inhabitants; and the intergenerational visits to the Palmetum of Tenerife to bring families closer to this treasure of biodiversity in the city, a converted landfill that now houses a large collection of palm trees from around the world.

Another of Fundación Cepsa's actions has focused collaborating with the City Council to sustainably remodel a traffic circle located in the center of the capital of Tenerife, creating the first space in the city dedicated to raising awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals among the population. A space that now reminds passersby that we all have a mission to take care of the planet.

The recent creation of a signposted route of unique trees in the capital of Tenerife, with guided activities to make them known and thus enhance the value of this biodiversity attraction is another contribution, as well as the activity "School vegetable gardens" which, with seven years of experience, has promoted sustainable consumption, healthy eating and respect for the environment among more than 7,000 schoolchildren.

In addition, on the 8th, the Foundation will collaborate with the Environment Fair of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Ambiéntate, which will be attended by 1,100 schoolchildren from 16 schools in the capital of Tenerife.

Beyond the Islands

For World Environment Day, the Foundation has recovered the presence in its corporate volunteering program Voluntas, carrying out this weekend activities for Cepsa professionals and their families, in addition to Tenerife, in Huelva, San Roque and Madrid, as well as a virtual gymkhana of recycling in family at national level.

In addition, Cepsa professionals throughout the country participated in an online awareness day on the importance of responsible water management and consumption to protect nature, given by Antonio Troya, director of the International Institute for the Conservation of Nature.

Fundación Cepsa's commitment is notable for protecting and valuing natural areas such as Marismas del Odiel and Laguna Primera de Palos, Huelva, the Madrevieja Environmental Station in San Roque, and Arroyo Negro in La Línea, Cadiz, are protected and enhanced. With this, the focus is on preserving wetlands, which are indispensable ecosystems, as they contribute to the freshwater supply, food, biodiversity enhancement, flood control, groundwater recharge, and climate change mitigation.

As for biodiversity protection initiatives, Fundación Cepsa, in collaboration with the Research Foundation of the University of Seville, is conducting a study on the impact of the Asian seaweed Rugulopteryx Okamurae in the Bay of Algeciras, Cadiz, and developing programs to protect species such as the Montagu's harrier and bats in Jerez de la Frontera. In addition to this, the project to recover the barn owl in southern Spain, in Madrevieja, and S.O.S. Caretta: Fishermen for Biodiversity on the coasts of Cadiz and Huelva, together with Asociación Hombre y Territorio (Man and Territory Association), which aims to train and promote the rescue of loggerhead turtles and other endangered species.

All these initiatives demonstrate the Fundación Cepsa's clear commitment to maintaining and increasing biodiversity in the natural areas where it is present, as well as showing its commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this area, the following stand out: 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12. Responsible Consumption and Production, and 17. Partnerships to Achieve the Goal, without forgetting 7. Affordable and Clean Energy, 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth, and 13. Climate Action.
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