More than 270 students from the Advanced Technical School of Engineering of Algeciras completed their training with the Fundación Cepsa Chair in 2021

    • The Fundación Cepsa Chair at the University of Cádiz presents its activity report for last year
    • 201 students participate in PowerYou Xperience employability day
The Fundación Cepsa Chair at the University of Cádiz (UCA) ended 2021 with 276 students from Advanced Technical School of Engineering of Algeciras having taken part in its various activities.

This year saw another edition of the Specialization in Oil Refining training program, which UCA and Cepsa have been organizing jointly since the 2015- 2016 academic year. The program is an optional fourth-year subject offered by the Algeciras Polytechnic School as part of the bachelor's degree in Industrial Technology Engineering. It consists of a total of 36 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) of on-site training which students complete at Cepsa's Gibraltar-San Roque refinery.

2021 saw the sixth class of students finish this demanding university training program in collaboration with the company, the first of its kind among public universities in Spain. The course ran from November 2020 to September 2021, with a total of 29 students, of which 8 were from the University of Cádiz.

One of the numerous initiatives driven by the Fundación Cepsa Chair is the PowerYou Xperience day, in collaboration with the Human Age Institute. Last year the event attracted 201 attendees, all final year students and graduates from UCA and from a variety of degree programs. 60% of attendees were female and 40% male, all of whom were able to take part in an event aimed at improving their employability and enhancing their talents.

In addition, the Fundación Cepsa Chair Awards in the category of Scientific Technical Articlewere presented to the student Miguel Torres García for his article:
Experimental analysis of late direct injection combustion mode in a compression-ignition engine fueled with biodiesel/diesel blend, directed by professor José Antonio Vélez Godiño. Manuel Jesús Calvo Acosta was also recognized in the capstone project category for his work Pre-design of a Power Generation Plant through Solar + Biomass Hybridization, as was Francisco Morales Sánchez who one in the invention patents category for his work Direct manufacture of thermochromic products with high VO2 load. Clemente Villalba also received a special mention for his master's thesis Project to Increase the Processing Capacity of the Solvent Distillation Unit at the Gibraltar-San Roque Refinery.

The Fundación Cepsa Chair at the UCA is working on the recording of an introductory audiovisual course on the refining industry in the energy sector and maintains the doctoral thesis entitled Development of analytical methodology to be used as a reference, as well as to be implemented in rapid analysis and even in situ, for the determination of volatile and aromatic components in petroleum products for use in industry (Electronic Nose).

Fundación Cepsa Academic Chairs in Andalusia

The relationship between Cepsa and the University is constant. The chairs at the universities of Huelva, Seville, Málaga and Cadiz, which are now managed by the Fundación Cepsa, are growing thanks to the contributions and dedication of professionals from both organizations to improve training, innovation and research.

The Fundación Cepsa Chairs in Andalusia have helped thousands of students to gain first-hand experience in a real working environment and bring university professors closer to the reality of industry in Andalusia. Exchanges between technicians and professors have allowed them to improve professionally and apply their newly gained expertise in their daily work. For all these reasons, today Fundación Cepsa is a great ally of universities in Andalusia.
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