Fundación Cepsa and UNED award for academic excellence

    • Cristina Mesa García and Desiree Barea Plaza are the winners of the UNED-1 Awards in the Humanities and Sciences categories, respectively.

The joint committee of the UNED-1 Awards formed by the UNED in the Campo de Gibraltar and Fundación Cepsa has decided on these awards, which are granted every year to academic excellence in the categories of Humanities and Sciences and represent a scholarship to help the winners study.

In this tenth edition, students Desiree Barea Plaza in Science and Technology and Cristina Mesa García in Humanities and Social Sciences were recognized for their efforts in their studies. Both have received a diploma and scholarship before the end of the year. 

Estrella Blanco, head of Fundación Cepsa in the Campo de Gibraltar, noted that Fundación Cepsa continues to support quality education, committing to academic excellence and supporting students who make an effort beyond the curricular demands of their studies, in the firm belief that support for education contributes to improving the future of the Campo de Gibraltar.

For her part, Rosario Arias, director of the UNED in Campo de Gibraltar has indicated that "continue to have the support of Fundación Cepsa makes it possible that, one more year, two of the students of the Associated Center of the UNED in Campo de Gibraltar, with the brightest records, can continue their master's studies. In this edition of the UNED-1 Awards, the joint committee has valued not only academic performance, but also the fact that both winners do volunteer work. Our congratulations to the award winners, who, thanks to this distinction, will achieve greater professional qualification".

Cepsa, now through its Foundation, and the UNED in the Campo de Gibraltar have been collaborating for more than a decade to help students with the best records to continue their academic studies. In addition, thanks to the conferences with renowned people, experts in their fields, as part of the The UNED and the Word cycle, hundreds of students of the Universidad a Distancia and residents of Campo de Gibraltar have been able to deepen their familiarity with other issues. This year's speaker was Jose Alberto González-Ruiz Martínez, secretary general of the CEOE.

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