Fundación Cepsa gives awards to 28 school children from Campo de Gibraltar

      • The Energy Campus is an education program in which more than 650 students from nine schools from the region have taken part.
      • The students are brought closer to world of energy and t he values of sustainability and respect for the environment.
      • In February, the Madrevieja Environmental Station was the focus of environmental education workshops for the celebration of World Wetlands Day.
  • Fundación Cepsa has chosen the winning works from its Energy Campus and World Wetlands Day school programs, recognizing the talent of 28 school children from the region. The jury has selected, from among a total of more than 25 projects, 350 drawings and photographs, the works that reflect different aspe cts of the world of energy and wetlands biodiversity with the greatest originality, innovation and creativity.

    The students Guadalupe Perdigones from Los Milagros school in Algeciras; Ezequiel Jimeno from Ciudad de Algeciras, Andrea Salvador Campos from Puertoblanco, and Óscar Cabrera from IES Antonio Machado in La Línea were the winners of this edition of the Energy Campus, in the individual category. The groups category was led by students Gema Aranda from Los Milagros; Lucía Guerrero, from the same sc hool and Sergio Beneroso from La Inmaculada in Algeciras.

    The winning projects , dealing with different topics, ranging from the Tesla coil, an analysis of different types of energy and the manufacturing processes in a refinery, to a story about oil, a com parison between different types of energy and the products obtained in a refinery, among others.

    On their part, the winners of the World Wetlands Day school program were, in the drawing category, the student Olivia Paulovic from Puertoblanco school; Franc isco Manuel González, from La Inmaculada; Amanda Jackson from Santa María Coronada in San Roque; Daniela Fernández from Parque del Estrecho and Damián Sierra, from La Atunara; and in the photography category, Kristin Ortynska, from Sagrado Corazón school i n Puente Mayorga; Esther Roca, from La Inmaculada Concepción school, Maite Pérez from Santa Rita de Campamento; David Caballero, from La Inmaculada School and Ana Campos from Santa Rita de Campamento.

    The jury of Cepsa's Energy Campus and the World Wetl ands Day school programs was made up by Ana Villaescusa, chairwoman of the Asociación Amigos de la Ciencia (Friends of Science Association); Andrés Lasry, deputy director of the Teachers' Center at Campo de Gibraltar; journalist and coordinator of the visi ts program for the Energy Campus, David Alarcón; and the representative of Fundación Cepsa, Amalia Puigdengolas. The ‘Energy Campus’, an educational program aimed at students from the 2nd cycle of ESO, Baccalaureate and Educational Cycles, is focused on the learning of subjects related to the world of energy, oil and petrochemicals, via a web platform. This program is supplemented with a day at the Cepsa installations in San Roque, where students assimilate what has been covered in class with a guided visit around the production area and the nature space of Madrevieja Environmental Station. In this edition a total of 650 students from nine centers in the region have taken part.

    The ‘World Wetlands Day’ education program, like the previous program, organized by Fundación Cepsa, is aimed at Primary School students, coinciding with the actual day itself. Throughout the month of February students go to Madrevieja Environmental Station, a protected wetlands area, to find out more about the value and importance of this kind of natural space.

    Premiados ’Campus de la Energía‘



    1er Premio. Tema: Productos obtenidos en el proceso. Realizado por Gema Aranda, Marta Escobar y Alejandro Soriano, del Colegio Los Milagros.

    2do Premio. Tema: Petrolín. Realizado por Lucía Guerrero, Laura y María Auchell, Alba Carballido, Humaida García y Carolina Linares, del Colegio Los Milagros.

    3er Premio. Tema: Comparativa entre energía eólica y nuclear. Realizado por Sergio Beneroso, Alexis Benítez, David Butcher, Miguel Ibáñez y Pablo Aboleya, del Colegio La Inmaculada.

    'Energy Campus' Prize Winners.


    1st Prize. Topic: Products obtained in the process. By Gema Aranda, Marta Escobar and Alejandro Soriano, from Los Milagros school.
    2nd Prize. Topic: Petrolín. By Lucía Guerrero, Laura and María Auchell, Alba Carballido, Humaida García and Carolina Linares, from Los Milagros school.
    3rd Prize. Topic: Comparison between wind energy and nuclear energy. By Sergio Beneroso, Alexis Benítez, David Butcher, Miguel Ibáñez and Pablo Aboleya, f rom La Inmaculada school.


    1st Prize. Topic: Integrated Project. By Guadalupe Perdigones, from Los Milagros school.
    2nd Prize. Topic: Tesla coil. By Ezequiel Jimeno from IES. Ciudad de Algeciras.
    3rd Prize. Topic: Inventions and Inventors. By Andrea Salvador Campos, from Puertoblanco school.

    World Wetlands Day Winners


    1st Prize.
    Olivia Paulovic, from Puertoblanco school.

    2nd Prize. Fco. Manuel González, from La Inmaculada school.
    3rd Prize. Amanda Jackson, from Santa Maria Coronada de San Roque school.
    1st Runner - up.
    Daniela Fernández, from the school Parque del Estrecho de Algeciras.

    2nd Runner - up. Damián Sierra, from the school La Atunara de La Línea.

    1st Prize. Kristin Ortynska from the school Sagrado Corazón de Puente Mayorga.
    2nd Prize. Esther Roca, from the school Inmaculada Concepción.
    3rd Prize. Maite Pérez from the school Santa Rita de Campamento (San Roque).
    1st Runner - up. David Caballero, from the school La Inmaculada.
    2nd Runner - up. Ana, from the school Santa Rita de Campamento (San Roque).

    The awards ceremony will take place on 7 June at 11:00 am at Alameda de San Roque.
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